When AngeL... meets... GuaRdiAN...

of myths and facts, of imagination and reality, of dreams and dreams come true... All coming to life when Angel... meets... GuaRdiAN...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Colours of love

Red, the richness of love.

Orange, the juiciness of love.

Yellow, the radiancy of love.

Green, the liveliness of love.

Blue, the calmness of love.

Indigo, the mystery of love.

Purple, the pricelessness of love.

When you fall in love,
There comes a R.A.I.N.B.O.W. in your life...


Of randomness so out of the blue,

Of melodies so catchy just out of emotions,

Of words so romantic just out of the heart,

Of sunsets so breathtaking... just you and me.


When opposites attract...

You left,
leaving a trail of footsteps right here.

Once you brought me up there on a high peak of ecstasy,
Now you have left me down here in a low pit of loneliness.

Then listening to our song together,
Now listening to that same tune alone.

Going in opposite directions,
You up north and me down south;
You baking in a tropical land,
Me freezing in a chilly island.

Hopefully one day...
When east meets west,
when pink meets blue,
We will paint a tapestry of purple all over the sky...
And let the stars shimmer its beauty...

No matter how different we are,
When opposites attract,
There will be sparkles in the air,
which will illumine the dark night with rays scented with love...
